Why Use A Mental Performance Coach For Riding?

Let’s talk about it! What’s the point? Is it really useful or necessary for riders? 

The answer is yes. Here are 10 reasons why:

1. Riders cannot succeed on physical talent alone.

There is so much more to riding and other sports than just the physical skills. Although they are important, they don’t address every aspect of sport that is needed to deliver successful rides under a variety of circumstances. Many riders are physically capable but often mentally struggle to consistently and optimally perform, especially as they move up divisions and the difficulty level increases in both lessons and horse shows. Relying solely on physical talent limits how far riders can go in their sport, making it difficult for them to reach their full riding potential.

2. Mental skills assist riders in leveling up from good to great.

Riders who utilize their mental skills progress further in their sport because they are equipped to effectively deal with challenges of all kinds. No matter what happens, they are able to adapt to changing and unpredictable circumstances while maintaining their focus and composure. They’re able to increase their skills as they develop and utilize their mental skills in addition to their physical training. While progress of other riders becomes stunted, the riders who diligently practice and implement their mental skills are able to push past their perceived limits and capabilities, thus leveling up in their riding.

3. Riders gain a deeper connection to themselves, their horse, and their rides.

During personalized mental performance training sessions, riders learn all about themselves: what works, what doesn’t, and so much more. Instead of just going through the motions, riders who develop and utilize their mental skills are able to effectively recognize, assess, and respond to their mental experiences and purposefully place their minds in a manner that allows them to ride at their best. These riders are able to respond promptly, effectively, and intuitively, rather than becoming distracted, rushed, or frazzled, especially in clutch moments. They gain full control over themselves in an uncontrollable, competitive environment. 

4. There is more consistency in  riding both during lessons and horse shows.

Riders who train their minds are able to maximize their performance no matter what they are thinking or how their horses are feeling each day. Instead of riding a rollercoaster of ups and downs, these riders think, feel, and respond in an intentional manner. No matter the environment or circumstances, riders with mental tools and strategies are able to optimally ride. Consistent rides are the result of deliberate practice and implementation of mental skills, with just as much emphasis as the physical skills are given. With deliberate attention and effort, these riders build effective mental habits over time that assist in creating consistent, desirable rides.

5. Mental skills for riding are directly transferable to daily life tasks.

Mental skills for riding are also life skills. Have you ever felt stress, pressure, or nerves both in and out of the saddle? You can use the same mental skills for very different scenarios, riding or not, whether it may be nerves before a horse show or nerves before giving a presentation. By using mental skills in all areas of life, riders are able to compartmentalize and effectively tackle a variety of both athletic and personal issues in a helpful manner. As a result, they’re able to excel in both their riding and in their lives. 

6. Mental training is tailored to each, individual rider and their unique goals.

There is no “one size fits all” or quick fixes here. When we work together, it’s all about YOU: where you’re currently at, where you want to be, and how to get there. We work together to reach your unique goals and make positive, permanent changes to your overall mindset. Mental skills taught in sessions purposefully align with your personal mental performance needs, goals, and challenges. Just like how physical habits are created, mental skills require consistent practice, effort, time, and intentionality in order for you to reach your riding goals. Our sessions include specific mental skills that reflect exactly what you need in order to ride at your best.

7. The goal of mental training is to unlock your optimal performance potential.

Your athletic and mental performance goals matter. We will work through barriers that are holding you back and implement skills that will allow you to become the best rider and person you can be. By learning how to play the “mental game” of riding, you are able to move forward in your athletic progress and reach new heights in your riding. You may even surprise yourself at how far you are capable of going in your riding. The goal of training your mind is to reach your best both in and out of the saddle. 

8. Riders become more well-rounded and are set apart from their competitors due to their mental skills.

Mental skills development gives riders a competitive edge against their opponents. They become unshakeable, adaptable, and able to bring their best no matter their internal or external experiences. They can focus when it matters the most, quickly bounce back from mistakes and setbacks, and remain connected through the wins and losses. Oftentimes, mental fortitude can be the difference between winning or losing a division. Riders who train their minds as much as they train their bodies gain a strong advantage through their thorough training regimen.

9. Mental training helps riders develop and maintain a resilient and growth mindset.

Through mental skills training, riders become more self-aware, begin to recognize patterns, and are able to effectively navigate trials in both riding and life. Mental skills allow riders to effectively deal with anything that may come their way. Even if their performance outcomes fall short, they still remain connected to the process and always bring their best. These riders welcome failure and use it to their advantage as valuable opportunities for learning and growth. Where most riders tend to give up, riders with mental skills training tend to thrive the most.

10. Mental skills usage offers lasting results and increased overall well-being in riding and in life.

Sessions give solutions to riders as they learn how to effectively play the “mental game”. Riders experience personal satisfaction as they successfully conquer the mental challenges that are holding them back from riding at their best. As mental skills are acquired and built upon, positive thinking habits are created and make a significant, lasting difference to their overall mindset. Riders are able to enjoy their horse, track their progress, and reap the all the benefits that mental skills training has to offer.

Sports, especially riding, are multifaceted and call for mastery of many different areas to achieve full satisfaction and success. Trainers teach their students how to physically ride the horse, while mental performance coaches teach riders how to think effectively so that they can ride at their best. Although some riders may tend to deal with setbacks and hardships in a healthy manner, there will always be a time when extra support is needed in both riding and in life.

Many of us often know what we need to do to improve our mental game but just don’t know how to do it. Numerous riders have an abundance of physical talent but aren’t able to progress due to the mental side of riding. Mental performance coaches help riders develop and utilize their mental skills so that they can unlock their full riding potential and always bring their best no matter what they are currently feeling or experiencing. Don’t wait until you’re deep in a performance struggle to seek help. Instead, elevate your performance today and have the mental skills mastered for when setbacks and struggles arise.

For more information and to get started with personalized, one-on-one coaching, contact Julia directly at julia@mindalignperformance.com


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